Uttar Pradesh Factories terms for women workers in night shift
The UP government lays down certain conditions to the employers of the Factories in Uttar Pradesh regarding the women workers employed in night shifts.
In public interest, with effect from 27 May 2022 all the Factories of the
state of Uttar Pradesh employing women worker form restrictions in respect of employment of women workers, subject to the following conditions :-
No Women worker shall be bound to work without her written consent before 06:00 AM and after 07:00 PM.
No Women worker shall be terminated from her employment if she denies to work between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM.
Women worker working between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM shall be provided free transportation form her residence to workplace by the employer of the factory and back.
Women worker working between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM shall be provided food by employer of the factory.
Women worker working between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM shall be provided sufficient supervision during working hours and journey thereof
Employer shall ensure toilets, washrooms, changing-room, drinking facilities and light near the work place.
During the working between 07:00 PM to 06:00 AM, not less than four women worker shall be allowed to work in the premises or a particular department.
Employer shall intimate the arrangement proposed by him in connection to the employment of female workers to Inspector of factories of region concerned, for verification, affording him a maximum period of seven days for such verification.
The employer shall send a monthly report electronically or otherwise to the Inspector of factories of region concerned about the details of women workers engaged during night shift and shall also send express report whenever there is some untoward incident to the Inspector of factories of region concerned, and local Police Station as well.
The Inspector of factories shall enforce the safe working conditions of women worker and carefully take note of the non-compliance in their inspection from time to time.
Employer shall take appropriate steps to prevent sexual harassment.
The employer shall maintain a complaint mechanism in the factory itself as prescribed in the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 or in any other related enactments.
The women worker shall be made aware of their rights in particular by prominently displaying the guideline as may be required.
Permission shall be deemed cancelled automatically on violation of any conditions prescribed above by employer of the factory.