Form Q - Muster Roll - Wage Register

Rule 26: Maintenance of registers and records

  1. The employer shall maintain a Muster-Roll cum Wages Register in Form ‘Q’: Provided that, where an employer or manager maintains a Muster Roll-cum-Wages Register under sub-rule (1) of rule 27 of the Maharashtra Minimum Wages Rules, 1963 framed under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 (XI of 1948), it shall not be necessary for him to maintain Muster Roll-cum-Wages Register as per the provisions of this subrule(1).
  2. Every entry in the register or records requires to be maintained under these rules shall be authenticated digitally or manually by the employer or the manager or any person so authorized by him. The entries relating to overtime shall be made immediately after completion of such overtime work. In case both the employer and the manager are absent on any day, the entries shall be authenticated by such person as may be authorized in writing by the employer.
  3. Every register, record, and notice required to be maintained, exhibited or given under these rules shall be either in Marathi or in the English language.
  4. Every employer or manager shall preserve the inspection records of the Facilitator for a period of three years and shall produce the same whenever demanded by the Facilitator.
  5. Where an office, store-room, godown, warehouse, or workplace used in connection with the trade and business of an establishment is situated at the premises other than the premises of such establishment, all such registers, records, and muster-rolls required to be maintained under the Act and these rules may be separately so maintained in respect of such office, store-room, godown, warehouse or workplace, etc.


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