
ESI notifies the COVID 19 Relief Scheme

ESI will pay the periodic payments to the eligible dependant family members if the Insured Person’s death is due to COVID 19. This scheme is effective from 24 March 2020 for a period of 2 years. The draft notification for the ESIC COVID-19 Relief Scheme was published in the Gazette on 18th June 2021 and suggestion received were considered. Accordingly, the ESIC notified the Scheme now.

Eligibility Conditions

  1. The Insured Person (IP) who died due to COVID-19 disease must have been registered on the ESIC online portal at least three months prior to the date of diagnosis of COVID-19 disease resulting in his/ her death.
  2. The deceased IP must have been in employment on the date of diagnosis of COVID-19 disease and contributions for at least 70 days should have been paid or payable in respect of him/ her during a period of maximum one year immediately preceding the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease resulting in death.

Eligible Relatives

In case of death of the IP due to COVID-19, the following relatives of the deceased IP shall be eligible to receive periodical payments under the scheme:

  1. spouse
  2. a legitimate or adopted son who has not attained the age of twenty-five (25) years,
  3. an unmarried legitimate or adopted daughter,
  4. a widowed mother,
  5. if wholly dependent on the earnings of the insured person at the time of his death, a legitimate or adopted son or daughter who has attained the age of twenty-five years and is infirm.

In case the deceased IP does not leave behind any of the above relatives, the following relatives are eligible if wholly or in part dependant on the earnings of the Insured Person at the time of his death:

  1. a parent other than a widowed mother,
  2. a minor illegitimate son, an unmarried illegitimate daughter or a daughter legitimate or adopted or illegitimate if married and a minor or if widowed and a minor,
  3. a minor brother or an unmarried sister or a widowed sister if a minor,
  4. a widowed daughter-in-law,
  5. a minor child of a pre-deceased son,
  6. a minor child of a pre-deceased daughter where no parent of the child is alive, or
  7. a paternal grand-parent if no parent of the insured person is alive

90 % of the average daily wages of the deceased IP, which will be called as full rate of the relief, will be paid to the dependants of the IP who died due to COVID-19 disease in the manner as under:

  1. to the spouse during life, an amount equivalent to three-fifths of the full rate. If there are two or more widows, the amount payable to the spouse as aforesaid shall be divided equally between the widows;
  2. to each legitimate or adopted son, an amount equivalent to two-fifths of the full rate until he attains the age of twenty-five years. In the case of a legitimate or adopted son who is infirm and is wholly dependent on the earnings of the insured person at the time of his death, the relief shall continue to be paid while the infirmity lasts;
  3. to each legitimate or adopted unmarried daughter, an amount equivalent to two-fifths of the full rate. In the case of legitimate or adopted daughter who is infirm and is wholly dependent on the earnings of the insured person at the time of his death, the relief shall continue to be paid while the infirmity lasts.
  4. to the widowed mother during life an amount equivalent to two-fifths of the full rate.
  5. If the total of the relief distributed under the scheme among the spouse, legitimate or adopted children and widowed mother of the deceased person as aforesaid exceeds at any time the full rate, the share of each of these dependants shall be proportionately reduced, so that the total amount payable to them does not exceed the amount of relief at the full rate.
  6. In case the deceased person does not leave spouse or legitimate or adopted child or widowed mother the relief shall be payable to other dependants as follows:
  • To a parent other than the widowed mother or grand-parent, for life, at an amount equivalent to three-tenths of the full rate and if there are two or more parents (other than widowed mother) or grand-parents the amount payable to the parents (other than widowed mother) or grand-parents as aforesaid shall be equally divided between them.
  • To any other — (i) male dependant, until he attains the age of eighteen years,(ii) female dependant, until she attains the age of eighteen years or until marriage, whichever is earlier or if widowed, until she attains eighteen years of age or re-marriage, whichever is earlier at an amount equivalent to two-tenths of the full rate and if there be more than one dependant under (b) the amount payable shall be distributed equally.

The Scheme shall be effective for a period of two years w.e.f. 24.03.2020.

The minimum relief under the scheme shall be Rs.1,800/- per month.


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  • ESI Act

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