Grievance Policy

Outline and define expectations from the employees in your organization with respect to grievance redressal process.

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Grievance Policy-undefined

The grievance policy aims to reinforce the organization’s commitment towards providing fair and equitable work opportunities to all employees. The objective of the grievance resolution process is to provide employees with an easily accessible mechanism for sharing and seeking settlement of their individual grievances.

This policy template is available for download in Word format.

With this Grievance policy template, you can:

  • Create a grievance submission mechanism
  • Set up a grievance reporting process
  • Set up a grievance redressal process

In just a few minutes, you will be able to set up a policy that covers most of the necessary information required. This policy covers rules to be followed with respect to:

  • Code of Conduct
  • POSH
  • Violence at workspace
  • Other grievances related to lack of support from functions like IT, Admin, etc. and lots more…

Grievance Policy


The Grievance Redressal procedure at < Company Name Here > aims to reinforce the organisation’s commitment towards providing fair and equitable work opportunities to all employees. The objective of the grievance resolution process is to provide employees with an easily accessible mechanism for settlement of their individual grievances.

Scope and Applicability

  • This policy applies to all staff of < Company Name Here > and those of Partner organisations who are in a relationship with < Company Name here >.
  • Not all grievances are related to HR. Grievance covers a wider area in the organisation, particularly those which are not directly related to or in the employee’s immediate work area and people. But, in other areas which, though not frequented very often, they necessitate interaction for work purposes or for co-existence in the workplace by the employee. These areas can relate to the cafeteria, transport, office maintenance, administration, infrastructure, lighting, air-conditioning, WFH support, etc.
  • This policy aims to focus on non-HR related areas, with the resolution responsibility involving the line manager of the department concerned. HR is certainly kept in the loop since the locus is around the employee and the incident.
  • HR-related grievances are covered in Code of Conduct Policy, POSH Policy, Employee Relationships Policy, Violence at Workplace Policy, EEO & AD policy, Maternity Benefits Policy, etc.
  • < Company Name > will endeavour to address the grievance to the best possible extent as far as it is feasible, within its scope, is reasonable and has a larger impact to other employees, within legal/statutory ambit and is cost-effective.
  • < Company Name > reserves the right to reject, cancel or postpone any grievance without assigning any reason whatsoever.

This policy is owned by < Name of the Person > and reachable @ < Contact Number > and < email address >


Policy Statement

For the purpose of the policy, Grievances means individual grievance and includes all matters but excludes the following:

  • Those already covered under Code of Conduct Policy, POSH Policy, Employee Relationships Policy, Violence at Workplace Policy, EEO & AD Policy, Maternity Benefits Policy & Employee Performance Appraisal & Salary Review Policy
  • Grievance pertaining to, or arising out of, disciplinary action or appeal against such actions.
  • Grievance arising out of termination/dismissal

Grievance Statement and Policy

A grievance can be defined as any sort of dissatisfaction that needs to be addressed in order to enable the staff to function efficiently and effectively within the organisation. A grievance is a sign of an employee's discontentment with his/her job, work environment or equipment/tools, workstation or relationship with colleagues.

Broadly, a grievance can be stated to be any discontentment or dissatisfaction with any aspect of the organisation, except as stated in Sec.4.1 of this document, which if resolved purposefully, benefits the organisation, or employees and if not handled assertively, tactfully and empathetically, can disturb the equilibrium in the relationships and rapport levels.

< Company Name Here >’s grievance policy is designed to provide an effective procedure for the resolution of problems, wherever it is feasible or possible and are within the source, resource and limits of the organisation. < Company Name Here >’s policy engrains a disciplined procedure that will ensure consistent and equitable treatment of all employees.

Any grievance pertaining to HR-related matters will be dealt with by HR in accordance with the appropriate policy guidelines as mentioned in Sec.4.1 of this document, including any disciplinary actions or procedures.


Except for gross misconduct, no employee will be dismissed for a first breach of discipline under this policy. The level of any formal action will be dependent on the seriousness of the offence, having regard to the need for fairness and natural justice.

The procedure is internal to < Company Name Here > and does not allow for any external representation.

No disciplinary action will be taken against an employee until the case has been fully investigated.

Grievance Redressal Procedure

The following process should be followed for expressing and seeking redressal to a grievance.

  • Employees may communicate their grievance in writing to their < Manager > first while at the same time, addressing a copy to the concerned department Head. In case the grievance involves the < Manager >, then the employee can contact the < Manager’s > Manager, while simultaneously copying the concerned < Manager >.
  • The concerned manager must immediately acknowledge receipt of the grievance in writing, informing the employee of the receipt of grievance and inviting the employee for a formal meeting.
  • If the grievance pertains to the same function where the employee works, the < Manager > has to review and resolve the same based on the feasibility or commit to a timeline by which the same could be resolved as per dependency on other departments/functions/vendors or factors.
  • In other cases, < Manager > may consult with the concerned departments or functions to which the grievance pertains to, for their action or feedback and revert to the employee with a course of action/solution within 7 working days from the date of receipt of grievance.
  • In case an employee is not satisfied with the solution, the employee may choose to represent the grievance to < Department Head > (or to an LT member), if the grievance concerns the < Department Head >.
  • The Leadership Team (LT) member will convey their decision to the aggrieved employee through the concerned department manager within 5 days of receipt of the complaint. If, however, the LT is of the view that the matter should be referred to the Grievance Resolution Committee, they may do so.
  • The Grievance Resolution Committee consists of a minimum of < three members > from the < Leadership Team > and the concerned department Manager and any manager except from his or her own manager. The Grievance Resolution Committee (as mentioned below) will provide an opportunity to the aggrieved employee and the concerned person involved in the grievance, to present their concern. The Grievance Resolution Committee will include representatives from other teams to ensure fair and faster resolution.

Name Designation Mobile No Email

  • The Grievance Resolution Committee will give their recommendation to the LT within 4 working days. The LT will take a decision based on this recommendation and communicate their decision through the concerned department Manager to the aggrieved employee within 15 working days from commencement of inquiry.
  • Grievances will be treated with utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.
  • Human Resources shall maintain a record of all grievances referred to the Grievance Resolution Committee, number of grievances settled/pending and report to the Senior Management Team on a quarterly basis.

Gross Misconduct

In case the grievance by an employee leads to discovery of gross conduct by another employee(s) or associates or vendors of < Company Name >, appropriate action will be taken by HR, while the identity of the complainant will not be disclosed in any manner or forum.

The list provided below is illustrative but not exhaustive, and should be deemed that any other conduct not falling within the purview of what is stated below is akin to gross misconduct; the LT will exercise the authority in consultation with the Grievance Redressal Committee to determine gross misconduct depending on the circumstances of each case.

  • Fraud
  • Deliberate falsification of records
  • Embezzlement
  • Theft
  • Intimidation, harassment, threats or acts of violence
  • Misuse or misappropriation of position or benefits
  • Wilful damage to organisation’s assets, including those of its employees, partners, other stakeholders
  • Disparagement or defamation of the organisation, its employees, partners or other stakeholders
  • Taking or giving bribes or any other illegal gratification, including sexual gratification
  • Serious incapability due to being under the influence of alcohol or being under the influence of illegal drugs at the workplace and during working hours
  • Serious negligence which causes unacceptable loss, damage or injury
  • Serious act of insubordination
  • Deception or inappropriate access to private and/or confidential Company records and/or information without authorisation or need-to-know


An employee who wishes to appeal against a disciplinary decision must do so within five working days. The Grievance Redressal Committee will hear all appeals and make a recommendation to the LT. Where felt appropriate and in very serious cases, the LT may further consult the Board. The LTs decision will be final and communicated in writing to the employee by the concerned department Manager. At the appeal, any disciplinary penalty imposed will be reviewed. Should an employee wish to appeal, he/she must do so in writing to the appropriate manager within five working days of being informed in writing of the formal action.

Minimum level of authority Action Opportunity to appeal Line Manager Oral warning/Written warning Head of Department Concerned Department Manager Written Warning Head of Department /LT Head of Department Final Written Warning Dismissal CEO or Nominated Representative

A request for an appeal must specify the grounds of the appeal, preferably under one or more of the following headings:

  • The severity of the action
  • The finding of the hearing on a point of fact, which is pertinent to the decision of the hearing
  • A failure to adhere to the published procedure

Guidance for Making Appeal

Employee Management Grounds of appeal response to grounds of appeal Case statement that should include as appropriate Introduction explaining there as ones for appealing and why they consider the action harsh or unwarranted summary of case outcome sought Introduction, background to the case, processes followed on calling the original hearing, how the decision was arrived at, any other warnings taken into account, rationale for the decision and any mitigation taken into account summary of case recommendations The Board will be kept informed of all disciplinary matters, and this information will be presented at the Board Meeting every quarter.

Special Circumstance and Exception

Any Deviation from this policy has to be approved by HR. Any changes to the policy have to be approved by Legal and Compliance.

Non-compliance and Consequence

Employees are restricted from sharing their personal grievances with other employees or co-workers in order to garner their support/attention or attempt to disrupt their business activities and distract them with such topics which may or may not be relevant to them. This policy is put in place for employees to submit their grievance through a proper channel. Any deviation from the set protocol by any employee or employees will be dealt with in accordance with the rules of this policy or any other such policies as appropriate by HR and management.

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This template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. This is not a legal document. greytHR will not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this template.
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