The factories registered under the Factories Act, are allowed to have extended working hours not more than 12 hours on any day and 72 hours in any week for three months. The Labour Department of Himachal Pradesh Government, exempts the provisions of Section 51 (weekly hours), Section 54 (daily hours), Section 55 (intervals of rest), and Section 56 (spread-over) subject to certain conditions:
- No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a factory for more than 12 hours in any day and 72 hours in any week.
- The period of work for adult workers on each day shall be fixed in such a way that it shall not exceed 6 hours at a stretch and there shall be a rest interval for at least half an hour before commencing the next period of work.
- The wages in respect of increased working hours as a result of this exemption shall be in proportion to the existing minimum wages fixed by the Government of Himachal Pradesh under the Minimum Wages Act.
- The provisions of overtime wages under Section 59 shall continue to be apply without any change.