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Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of identifying and determining the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are required to perform a specific job. It involves analyzing the required job requirements, qualifications and skills, and the working conditions of the job. Job analysis is typically carried out by a human resources professional or a job analyst. It is an important tool for many HR activities, such as job evaluation, recruitment and Performance Management. It can also be used to develop a job description and training program.

There are several types of job analysis, and the type of job analysis that is used can depend on the specific needs and goals of the organization. Some common types of job analysis include:

  • Functional job analysis: This type of job analysis focuses on the tasks, duties and responsibilities that are required to perform a job. It involves identifying the specific activities that are performed on the job, the skills and knowledge that are needed to perform those activities, and the conditions under which the activities are performed.
  • Critical incident job analysis: This type of job analysis involves collecting detailed information about specific instances or incidents that occurred on the job. It is often used to identify the key performance indicators or competencies that are required to successfully perform a job.
  • Job element job analysis: This type of job analysis involves breaking down a job into its basic elements or components. It involves identifying the specific knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are required to perform the job.
  • Task inventory job analysis: This type of job analysis involves creating a list or inventory of all the tasks that are performed on a job. It is often used to develop job descriptions and training programs.

Overall, the goal of job analysis is to identify the key aspects of a job and the requirements for performing it successfully. This information can be used for a variety of HR purposes, such as job evaluation, recruitment and Performance Management.

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Performance Management

Job Analysis

Organizational Structure

Job Description

Job Analysis