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Talent Management

Talent management, facilitated by human resource management, refers to the systematic process of identifying, acquiring, developing, retaining, and deploying the human capital within an organization.

The objective is to ensure the organization has the right people with the requisite skills and competencies in the right roles at the right time. Talent management is not just limited to attracting the best talent but also involves nurturing and developing talent to meet current and future organizational needs.

Talent Management Strategy

A talent management strategy, integrated with HR Management, must focus on these pillars to drive organizational outcomes:

  • Enhance Workplace Culture: Prioritize employee well-being to improve satisfaction and retention, creating a culture where everyone feels they belong

  • Enable Career Growth: Offer transparent career progression pathways and the necessary support systems, aiming to reduce turnover rates

  • Maximize Utilization of Strengths: Use strength-based assessments to align employees with roles where they can be most effective, thereby improving engagement and operational efficiency

  • Competitive Compensation: Utilize real-time industry and regional benchmarks to offer fair and competitive Compensation packages to attract and retain top talent

  • Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Actively seek to diversify the workforce to enrich problem-solving capabilities and better represent our community

Talent Management Model

The following key elements should be incorporated to achieve a winning talent strategy:

Talent Management

Here's how to interpret the diagram's connections:

  • Organizational Alignment: Central to all pillars, the overarching principle guides all other aspects

  • Workforce Planning: Includes sub-components like Competency Modeling and Gap Analysis, which feed into Performance Management

  • Talent Acquisition: Incorporates elements like Job Design and posting, and links to Learning and Development

  • Learning and Development: Sub-components like Onboarding, Training, Career Development, and Succession Planning feed into Performance Management

  • Performance Management: Connected to Employee Engagement, Rewards and Benefits, Culture and Employee Well-being

  • Employee Engagement, Rewards and Benefits, Culture and Employee Well-being: These are often interrelated and impact one another

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Training and Development

Recruitment and Selection

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Talent Management