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Organisation Design

Organisation design is the process of defining the Organisational Structure and processes aligned with its business strategy. This involves making decisions about how the organisation's work will be divided and coordinated, and how authority and responsibility will be allocated. Organisation design is a critical aspect of organisational effectiveness, as it helps to ensure that the organisation is able to operate efficiently and effectively, and that employees are able to work together effectively to achieve the organisation's goals.

Some key components of organisation design include:

  • Organisational structure: This refers to the way in which the organisation is divided into different units, departments, or teams, and how those units are related to one another.
  • Organisational culture: This refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define the organisation and shape the way that employees interact and work together.
  • Organisational processes: This refers to the ways in which work is performed and coordinated within the organisation, including decision-making processes, communication channels, and systems for managing and tracking work.

By carefully designing these elements of the organisation, leaders can create a framework that supports the organisation's strategy and enables employees to work together effectively to achieve the organisation's goals.

Organisation Design