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HR Management

Human Resource Management (HRM), often referred to as HRM, is the strategic approach to managing an organization's workforce. It involves coordinating, administrating, and managing various human resources functions within an organization to optimize employee performance and well-being and contribute to the overall achievement of organizational goals.

Functions of HR Management

Human Resource Management involves a variety of functions that collectively contribute to managing an organization's workforce effectively. The functions of HR Management can be categorized as follows:

  • Talent Acquisition: Discover how Digital garden/Wiki Content/Workforce Management/Employee Development/Talent Management integrates HR, fostering growth, utilizing strengths, and promoting diversity for organizational success.

  • Talent Management: Explore the distinct phases of payroll management to pre-processing, processing, and post-processing to understand the comprehensive workflow before, during, and after payroll activities.

  • Recruitment and Selection: How does HR differentiate recruitment and selection processes? Explore strategies, emphasizing candidate focus, engagement, clear job descriptions, cautious referrals, and professional assistance.

  • Training and Development: Explore how HR Training and Development foster skill growth, enhance productivity, and confer a competitive edge, ensuring a capable and satisfied workforce.

  • Performance Management: How does performance management align with organizational goals? Explore evaluation methods, stages, and key features of digital solutions for enhanced productivity and engagement.

  • Compensation and Benefits: How do compensation and benefits impact HR? Understand their role in cost control, compliance, employee satisfaction, retention, and emerging practices.

  • Employee Relations: What is the significance of employee relations in HRM? Explore how does it differ from human resources.

  • Legal Compliance: How does legal compliance mitigate risks and enhance fairness and trust? Explore key areas, strategies, and the role of staying informed and seeking legal advice.

What is an HRMS

Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a software that integrates core HR functions, including payroll, recruitment, and performance management, streamlining processes and improving efficiency in managing human resources.


An HRMS can significantly improve HR efficiency, reduce administrative burden, enhance accuracy, and contribute to better organizational decision-making. It provides a centralized platform for managing the entire employee lifecycle and helps HR professionals focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine administrative tasks.

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Choosing the Right HRMS

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Organizational Policies

HR Leave Policy

Salary Management Systems

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Digital garden/Wiki Content/Workforce Management/Employee Development/Talent Acquisition

Payroll Accounting

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HR Management